
Senin, 03 Maret 2014

Nmap Featured in The Matrix Reloaded

We have all seen many movies like Hackers which pass off ridiculous 3D animated eye-candy scenes as hacking. So I was shocked to find that Trinity does it properly in The Matrix Reloaded [Under $6 at Amazon]. She whips out Nmap version 2.54BETA25, uses it to find a vulnerable SSH server, and then proceeds to exploit it using the SSH1 CRC32 exploit from 2001. Shame on them for being vulnerable (timing notes). Congratulations to everyone who has helped make Nmap successful! Click on these thumbnails for higher resolution or view more pictures here. Updates: News articles about the Nmap cameo: BBC, Slashdot, SecurityFocus, Silicon.Com, CNET JWZ has added this cracking scene as an XScreenSaver 4.10 Easter Egg - run 'xmatrix -small -crack'. Dave from Lab6 notifies me that Nmap source code is displayed in Battle Royale: [Screen1] [Screen2] [Trivia] Several people have submitted matrix-themed banners to the propaganda gallery. Feel free to use any of these to link to - we appreciate it! The UK's Scotland Yard Computer Crime Unit and the British Computer Society have put out a joint warning that "Viewers of the new box office blockbuster 'Matrix Reloaded' should not be tempted to emulate the realistic depiction of computer hacking." Kids - don't try this at home!

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